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Submitted By JoJo235684
Words 1526
Pages 7
Scoliosis | Dr. Wright Cell Physiology MSC115-71 April 4, 2013 | Johanna Casanova |

Scoliosis is just one of many problems in the human body that does not discriminate against anyone. This common disorder can develop at the beginning of puberty during childhood stages and can progress to more serious problem as the child grows. According to Medline Plus, scoliosis can be legally defined as being a sideways or lateral or “S” shaped curve of the spine also known as your backbone that is part of the skeletal system whose cause is unknown (Mayo Clinic). It is a spinal disorder that can be affected by any individual’s growth process at any given point during the first twenty years of life. The spine can be developed and identified between two different structures. Structural means it is associated with neuromuscular disorder, congenital, or idiopathic or nonstructural as in a spine that is structured normally but with a lateral curvature. Both structures can only be determined by the seriousness of the deformity of the spine, location, direction, and even the cause as to what provoked the spine from becoming more abnormal than it should be (Larson 392). The spine can be characterized by twenty-six bones that associated with ligaments, tendons, and muscles that emerge from the skull and extend down to the lower back. A spine is developed to be able to help support the back of the body which supports movement. Ultimately, scoliosis can affect the skeletal, nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems (Mayo Clinic). The human body is an incredible and complex structure that must be able to effectively maintain homeostasis (Martini, et. Al. 12). Each body system helps in contributing to the homeostasis of other organ systems that help balance out our entire body system. Homeostasis refers

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