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Solid Mechanic


Submitted By abu95
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2–1. An air-filled rubber ball has a diameter of 6 in. If the air pressure within it is increased until the ball’s diameter becomes 7 in., determine the average normal strain in the rubber. d0 = 6 in. d = 7 in. e = pd - pd0 7 - 6 = = 0.167 in./in. pd0 6 Ans.

2–2. A thin strip of rubber has an unstretched length of 15 in. If it is stretched around a pipe having an outer diameter of 5 in., determine the average normal strain in the strip. L0 = 15 in. L = p(5 in.) e = L - L0 5p - 15 = = 0.0472 in.>in. L0 15 Ans.

2–3. The rigid beam is supported by a pin at A and wires BD and CE. If the load P on the beam causes the end C to be displaced 10 mm downward, determine the normal strain developed in wires CE and BD.





¢LBD ¢LCE = 3 7 ¢LBD = eCE 3 (10) = 4.286 mm 7 ¢LCE 10 = = = 0.00250 mm>mm L 4000 ¢LBD 4.286 = = 0.00107 mm>mm L 4000







Ans. Ans.

eBD =


02 Solutions 46060


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© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

*2–4. The two wires are connected together at A. If the force P causes point A to be displaced horizontally 2 mm, determine the normal strain developed in each wire. œ LAC = 23002 + 22 - 2(300)(2) cos 150° = 301.734 mm



eAC = eAB

œ LAC - LAC 301.734 - 300 = = = 0.00578 mm>mm

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...Recording and presenting your data 1 Calculate the cross-sectional area A of the wire using the equation A = ¼πd2 2 Record your values for m and x in a table of results. Include columns for F and for the stress and the strain, where F = mg Stress = F/A Strain = x / L Where F is the applied force, x is the extension, A is the cross-sectional area and L is the original length and g = 9.81 m.s-2. 3 Plot a graph of stress (y-axis) against strain (x-axis). Analyzing your data 1 Calculate the gradient of your graph. 2 The Young modulus E of the material of the wire is given by the equation E = stress / strain. Use your answer to 1 to determine the Young modulus of the material of the wire. Evaluation The procedure you carried out including what steps were taken to reduce error. 1 Estimate the actual error in each measurement taken. 2 Describe any limitations or problems with the method used to determine the Young modulus. 3 Suggest why a large value of L was used in this experiment. 4 Suggest two ways in which the accuracy of the measurements taken could be improved. 5 Look up the ‘true’ value for the Young modulus of the material of your wire. Comment on the difference between this ‘true’ value and the value you obtained from your experiment. Key learning objectives • To experimentally determine a value of the Young modulus of a material. • To illustrate the importance of making some variables large in order to reduce errors in small readings. Expected Results material...

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