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Spark Talk


Submitted By av1580
Words 549
Pages 3
Creative Spark Talk: Isaac Mizrahi Armando Viscaino
August 30, 2014
Enrique Vasquez

Creative Spark Talk: Isaac Mizrahi

There are many creative people that make a difference in the world. These creative people range from inventers, world figures, celebrities, and designers. One creative person that catches an interest is Isaac Mizrahi who is a clothing designer. He is known for his extraordinary clothing designs and extravagant fashion shows. This paper will include the stages of his creativity, his imagination and curiosity, and society benefits as a whole.
One of the most asked questions that creator’s get is where their creativity does come from. In the 2008 “Ted Talk” Isaac Mizrahi gives many examples of how he gets his creativity, one of the most interesting part is that he follows people whom he thinks are interesting. He explains how it may seem weird to others, of course following people, but he finds something interesting like a pair of shoes takes a picture and runs with the creative design. He talks about how he sees colors from a movie and an idea pops into his mind where he finds a vison for a clothing design and creates it. Another stage of his creativity is very common among most creators; he includes how he stays awake at night with an idea and thinks and thinks on how to create something extraordinary.
Where does the imagination come from; how can this one person have such an imagination to create an entire clothing line from just one thought. Isaac talks about how many of his ideas come from mistakes and tricks of the eye. He may see a blouse and for a moment imagine that he is somewhere and run with that idea and change the entire piece. Isaac mentions that when he has a question like what if, his curiosity drives him find out the “If” part. He also talks about how he might take a look back and see a hole somewhere on the

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