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Statistic Project


Submitted By mrvmrv
Words 1157
Pages 5
Purpose of this Project,to find out the releationship between population and the square of countries is tried to be understood.
This Project includes 129 observations and 30 samples.We tested with 95% cofidence interval
Step 1:State null and alternate hypotheses
Step 2:Select a level of significance
Step 3:Identify the test statistic
Step 4:Formulate a decision rule
Step 5:Take a sample,arrive at a decision
Step 1 Hypothesis Test:
Ho:The average population of countries is equal or less than 39.786.098
H1:The average population of countries is more than 39.786.098
Step 2The significance level is 0.05
Step 3Because the sample is 30,z distribution has been used
Step 4Reject Ho if z>-1.96 or z<-1.96 or if p<0.05
Step 5z<-1.65 Ho is rejected.We can conclude the average population of countries is more than 39.786.098


China | India | Indonesia | Brazil | Bangladesh | Nigeria | Japan | Ethiopia | Egypt | Germany | Turkey | Iran | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | France | Italy | Myanmar (Burma) | Korea, South | Colombia | Argentina | Kenya | Algeria | Canada | Morocco | Iraq | Afghanistan | Nepal | Malaysia | Ghana | Korea, North | Mozambique | Madagascar | Australia | Cote d'Ivoire | Cameroon | Chile | Netherlands | Burkina Faso | Niger | Malawi | Kazakhstan | Ecuador | Cambodia | Mali | Guatemala | Angola | Cuba | Greece | Chad | Guinea | Belgium | Burundi | Czech Republic | Bolivia | Hungary | Dominican Republic | Haiti | Belarus | Benin | Azerbaijan | Austria | Honduras | Israel | Bulgaria | Libya | Jordan | Laos | El Salvador | Er'trea | Nicaragua | Kyrgyzstan | Denmark | Finland | Central African Republic | Norway | Ireland | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Georgia |

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