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Stereotypes In Advertising

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Katy Perry is the main face of Proactiv, P!nk is the face of Covergirl, Peyton Manning is the face of PaPa John’s Pizza and Nationwide Insurance, these are all reasons of why Sue Jozui is flustered with using celebrities as promoters for big companies. Sue Jozui in her passage claims that using a celebrity in an advertisement to further promote a product is an injustice to all consumer minds. She supports her point of view by first explaining that it could be misleading due to the misinterpretation purposefully brought to attention within the advertisement. She continues by asserting how it insults the mind of its buyers due to the mere fact of trying to persuade its audience with a famous subject. Advertisers who use celebrities as promotion of their product have a right to do so, due to the face of free market. …show more content…
When advertisers use celebrities, it could be misleading due to the simple fact that those celebrities most likely do not truthfully use the products they promote. Celebrities get paid mass amounts of money to say what the companies want them to, but most of the time, celebrities do not use those items. American television is a free market, if the companies want to be unethical in the promotions of their products, it is their right to do so because they know consequences that could happen. Take Katy Perry for example, she is the main promoter for Proactive, and before her it was Demi Lovato. Both had seemingly flawless skin before the product ever came out. So how do consumers really know if it works? Then advertisers could have used fake pictures or photoshopping methods to project the look of acne on both of their “before” pictures in the commercial. Even though some advertisers are unethical and dishonest, those companies’ choices will reflect back on them in the long

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