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Student Policy


Submitted By wes42
Words 320
Pages 2
Student Academic Policies

Computer Usage:
Sullivan University Systems (SUS) provides computer networking for all staff, students and anyone else affiliated with the university community. Sullivan University will provide a platform that is conducive for learning while maintain and respecting the user privacy. Users are authorized to use the accounts only. Passwords should be protected, please keep the confidential (Computer Usage. (2012) Sullivan University. Student Handbook 2012-2013, pp. 12-14.).
While using the SUS users have a responsibility and are expected to follow some key rules:
1. Do not abuse the equipment
2. Computers must be used for course work
3. No unauthorized down loading
4. At no time will user install software of any kind
Disciplinary action for violations of the Computer usage of policy will be enforced and are as follows:
1. Loss of computer privileges
2. Disconnection from the network
3. Expulsion
4. Prosecution

The Compute usage policy is standard and pretty straight forward. The statement lets students know what is and is not proper usage.
What I would have like to have seen is a social media portion in the usage policy.
Academic Integrity:
Cheating and Plagiarism is a violation of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. All students are expected to submit their own work. Penalties for those who are found guilty of cheating may include: (Academic Integrity. (2014, January 1) Sullivan University. Sullivan University 2014 Catalog, p. 99)
1. Failing grade
2. Expulsion
3. Failing of course and an explanation letter in students file
Explaining why plagiarism is unacceptable and incorporating ways to avoid plagiarism would have been nice to see in the academic policy.


1. Academic Integrity. (2014, January 1) Sullivan University. Sullivan University 2014 Catalog, p. 99. Retrieved from

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