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Students’ Attitudes Towards Counselling: a Cross-Cultural Study


Submitted By bigie
Words 53406
Pages 214



This thesis is submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree Philosophiae Doctor

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January 2015
Promoter: Prof. L. Naudé

I declare that the thesis hereby submitted by Katlego Fandie for the degree Philosophiae Doctor at the University of the Free State is my own independent work and has not previously been submitted by me at another University/Faculty.
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3 January 2015

Herewith I, Cornelia Geldenhuys (ID 521114 0083 088) declare that I am a qualified, accredited language practitioner and that I have edited the following PhD thesis by
Katlego Fandie:

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MA (LIN – cum laude), MA (Mus), HED, HDLB, UTLM

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