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Super Max


Submitted By tony2688
Words 1704
Pages 7
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During the 1960’s, police officers executed arrests and dealt with problems in a way that greatly differ from law enforcement of today. This time frame involved racial riots, women rights, civil rights and important court cases. Mapp v. Ohio was concluded in 1961, and concluded that the fourth amendment applied to state courts and not just federal. Women achieved major milestones in the 1960’s, and Civil Rights were one of the biggest topics of the times. In the criminal justice field, a law enforcement official is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner on and off duty.

Part I – Policing Research
Police Trends and Issues during the 1960’s
During the 1960’s, law enforcement was completely different from what it is today. Officers were taught to handle situations in a way that would be illegal and in some opinions, morally wrong. When there was a riot, regardless of what is motivating the crowd, law enforcement officials would use excessive force and various, unnecessary tactics. People today probably wonder what made police officials believe that this type of crowd control was an acceptable response to any type of situation. Unfortunately, police officers were taught this in the academies and honestly believed that what they were doing was right. Also during this era, the first female officers came into play for law enforcement. In conjunction to females being allowed to be become officers, the first black police officer was hired in the 1960’s as well.
"Courageous police leadership is critical to our most important client – the victims of crime." — Tom Constantine
Today, women play a major role and are a respected part of the police force. But that didn’t happen without a lot of persistence. Historically, even at the police academy, women weren’t treated as equals. They had lower targets for

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