Premium Essay

Supply Chain Management


Submitted By elmarzom
Words 958
Pages 4
YEAR 2010-2011

Global Supply Chain and Logistics



Aims and Summary

This module provides knowledge and a thorough understanding of the management of the distribution and logistics function in contemporary organisations. The module will introduce the core concepts and theories that are pre-requisite for the successful management of logistics within the overall context of the organisation. The overall fit of the logistics function will be explored in context of attaining and sustaining competitive advantage and world-class status for global organisations. The module will explore supply chain networks and the importance of supply chain management. Current logistical trends such as lean management of the logistics and supply chain function will also be analysed. Other areas explored will include procurement, inventory management, transportation, warehousing and new technologies such as RFID.

Module Size and credits

| |Module size |Single |
| |CATS points |15.0 |
| |ECTS credits |7.5 |
| |Open/Restricted |Open |
| |Availability on/off campus |On Campus only |
| |Total student study hours |150 |
| |Number of weeks |Various - See special features

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