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Swot Analysis Of Run On

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I have come up with a new product. The product is named Run On. Our new type of running shoe has built in socks and is effortless to slip on and off. The socks will be made out of bamboo fabric because it has a soft texture and is durable. The bamboo sock will help absorb the impact when running. The midsole is gonna be thinner for a lightweight running shoe. The shoe also has magnets attached to the shoelaces for a quick and simple snap on. Our shoes has little holes on the bottom allowing air to move through the shoe to cool off your feet. While you are exercising the sock is able to disperse the sweat from your feet into different areas of the sock. This allows your feet to cool off faster. This will help you run longer distances. …show more content…
The reason I am targeting men is because men tend to spend more on shoes than women. Research also says that men exercise more than women. They are fitness conscious and have an active lifestyle. People in my target market usually run to stay fit. I have decided to target single men because single people tend to have more time for hobbies. While married men have to spend time as parents. They also have to work harder than most single men. These people are also fashion conscious and are classified as middle class. I chose middle class because they have a extra money after they fulfil their basic needs. Middle class people are able to spend a little more money on things they want, as my shoes are more expensive. My shoe is stylish and durable for people who want to exercise while looking

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