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Team Leadership


Submitted By iamwiam
Words 432
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Team Leadership
Rene Stanley
Nicholas Ursini

Team Leadership
FROM: Rene Stanley, Team Leader
DATE: 11/05/2014
SUBJECT: Team Leadership Approach
Individual Personality Assessment
An individual personality assessment by the following team members: Ruth Hobbs, Kenneth Lightner and Rene’ Stanley.
The results as a whole showed that no one had the same score. Ruth's score was ENFP; she is people-oriented, creative, and highly optimistic. Kenneth's score was ENTP; he is innovative, individualistic, versatile, and entrepreneurial. My score was INTJ; I am skeptical, critical, independent, determined, and stubborn.

Leadership Approach
The leadership approach I have decided to take is a democratic. Based on the results of my personality assessment, determined, critical, skeptical, independent, and stubborn. By having those attributes, I will be determined to see this team reach the goals set by the company, in the newly added department. I am an independent thinker and take things serious. Ruth is people oriented, creative, and highly optimistic. With those attributes, she will be a good peacekeeper. There will be times the team will not see things eye to eye. Kenneth is innovative, individualistic, versatile, and entrepreneurial. He is the one that will not be afraid to step out the box, and think innovative ways to make this team a success.

Everyone in the team will involve with making decisions on how the department will conduct the day to day operations. At the end of every week, we will come together to discuss the outcome of the task completed, and where we may need to make adjustments if necessary. Everyone will have an opinion on how the process is completed. As a team, we will listen to them weigh the pros and cons. I will have the final say on if we proceed or not with the new process.

Each team member will give clear

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