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The Comparison of the Two Movies of Jose Rizal


Submitted By Genee19
Words 435
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Comparison of the two movies: Jose Rizal and Rizal sa Dapitan

Jose Rizal is a three-hour epic on the life and struggles of poet and patriot Jose Rizal, the national hero and martyr of the Philippines, played by Cesar Montano. Directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya, this is GMA Films’ entry to the 1998 Metro Manila Film Festival. It is considered as one of the biggest budgeted films in the Philippine movie history with a record of P80-million.
This film was dubbed as the most spectacular and “controversial” Philippine film epic because of its record-breaking 80-million budget. The film won several prestigious awards and has also premiered at several well-known film festivals around the world including the Berlin International Film Festival in 1998 and has also won as the 2nd runner-up in the Audience Award of the Toronto Filmfest. The problem with Jose Rizal if that it concentrates on historical accuracy rather than artistic contribution. The film, as mentioned, is basically a history book adapted to film. My problem with this Rizal film is that the depth of this film’s Rizal is as much as the depth of Rizal you’d get from a high schooler’s Filipino textbook. However, there arealso negative comments that I must say about the movie. The plot was full of twists and turns. It is confusing to watch because of too many flashbacks and you couldn’t guess whether it is still in flashback or not. Also, some scenes are brutal, and some are not suitable for young kids such as the bed scene wherein the Spanish priest with the use of his power tried to rape a Filipino woman.
Compare that to Tikoy Aguiluz’s Rizal sa Dapitan, which has its own historical inaccuracies, but the Rizals there are definitely deeper, probably less a hero, but more a human. Nonetheless, it is a splendid film that deserves much praise and acclaim. “Simple yet prolific” is the best word that can describe the life of Rizal in Dapitan. It is simple in a way that he lives like an ordinary people and prolific because when he was there, his time was not wasted and made a lot of contribution not only to the place but also to the people.
They are both good movies and also the characters of the two movies are good actors and actress but there are some parts that are not familiar in the movie. They both have different stories and different Jose Rizal actors but still the two movies are the best movies to show and act the life of Jose Rizal.

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