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The Effect of French and Raven Power


Submitted By storyx
Words 3350
Pages 14
The Effect of French and Raven Power on knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Creation and knowledge Sharing:
An Empirical Investigation in Lebanese Organizations

Dr. Silva Karkoulian, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Miss Yasmina Osman, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon


It has been documented that not much is known about the kinds of French and Raven powers that foster the acquisition, creation and sharing of organizational knowledge. This study extends the French and Raven power literature to the Lebanese Organizations and provides an empirical evidence of knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. Results from the regression analysis of this study show that expert power is positively and significantly associated with knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation and knowledge sharing.


In the second half of the twentieth century, knowledge management proved to be a new managerial reform suited to the rapidly changing environment. Managers were encouraged to consider and treat their employee’s knowledge as a crucial source for the success of their organizations (Huseman and Goodman, 1999; Stewart, 1997; Sveiby, 1997). Many scholars have focused their attention on knowledge management. Grant (1996) argues that a source of organization’s competitive advantage is when organizations apply a great deal of effort to develop new knowledge and technology. This new knowledge and technology added to the organization have become more complicated in the current technological revolution, which requires combining and sharing knowledge and skills that several employees have. Knowledge management and creation could be completed through several tactics. Gold et al. (2001) stated that organizational structure is an important factor in leveraging technology and more specifically this

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