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The Importance Of Servant Leadership

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and not individuals working with them to achieve organizational goals.
As an employee to a successful organization this is disheartening to know that no matter how hard you work some leaders just do not value their employees. This is a problem in many organizations that must be addressed to prolong employee affective commitment and keep servant leaders to help eliminate toxic organizational cultures. Their positive attitudes and selfless ability to help others eventually rub off on those they serve and grow servant leaders that not only practice this philosophy in the workplace but out in the communities and churches as well.
This leadership practice makes employees proud to be a part of an organization that is concerned with meeting their needs and …show more content…
I was surprised to see people in this department that actually cared about the success of others before their own. I learned that in fact this department has two servant leaders that do not have leadership positions but illustrate the characteristics of a servant leader on a daily basis. These servant leaders are Senior Sponsored Programs Officers that are more concerned about growing and developing their peers than the actual leader herself.
They were always available for those in need and never turned anyone away that needed assistance with difficult day-to-day tasks because they were too busy or just did not want to be bothered. I watched them interact pleasantly with everyone in the office and never hesitated to be a supportive communicator and provide useful feedback to boost employee self-esteem. Although there are different levels to this position in the office they treated everyone equally and encouraged growth and development in their co-workers even if it meant taking a position outside the organization for better advancement

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