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The Love of a Cat


Submitted By xena8528
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Cats make incredible pets and long time friends
Krystal Lewis
South University Online

Cats make incredible pets and long time friends Cats were first domesticated over six thousand years ago, and as far as we look back, they have been hunter and companion. Cleopatra, the Egyptian Pharaoh, was depicted as having a feline companion at her side. One that she was even said to have treated as a demigod. Cats have not lost much favor over the thousands of years since. They were useful for exterminating rodents, killing birds, and serving as companion for many families through the years since. They belong to the family Felis catus and are intermittently carnivorous in nature. They do better with human interaction and generally thrive from the companionship. One of the best things about cat’s, is that a great majority of them could continue to survive long after we are gone. Most of their survival instincts have remained in tact even though species adaptation as occurred to some degree. Cats were beneficial as hunters and exterminators for several thousand years. They have instincts that allow them to patiently stalk their prey for a great distance before inevitably pouncing on the unsuspecting prey. The sneak attack is very useful to them and led to civilizations in the past using them to run off of kill unwanted pests. One report says that “Most cats can be wrathful in protecting their territory (Carroll, 2011)”. These pests could have been plague carrying rats or birds that wanted food from the growing crops. People realized that these small animals required little care and came with several benefits. Cats are also very easy to care for. They require very little human interaction because they are able to bathe themselves and use the restroom in a litter box. They have a frequent natural desire to clean their coats and remove any debris that may be stuck to it. Unlike other domesticated animals, cats do not require soap and water to maintain the cleanliness. They also do not require frequent trips outside to use the restroom. All they ask if for a clean littler box to be maintained and they can handle the rest. But, any attention and snuggling that they receive is greatly appreciated and their happiness is shown by a soft and soothing purr. The ancients must have known something special about this species because they had great intuition when it came to realizing the cat’s potential as a well rounded animal. We may have begun this journey by utilizing their hunter skills, but it took an open heart to look deeper and realize the potential that they possessed as a companion. Cats are now one of the more widely accepted domestic animals for the household and they have an average life span of up to twenty years. With the small amount of maintenance that they require, we are able to devote more time to building a longtime friendship. Even though cats do not need humans to survive, we live much happier lives when we share our homes and hearts with them.

Carroll, J. "Cats and the seven deadly sins." San Francisco Chronicle. 2011, September 07: E10.

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