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The Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher


Submitted By loops3
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Pages 3
The Roles and Responsibilities of the Teacher

There are many roles and responsibilities of the teacher, these have somewhat changed

from my experiences at school. Teachers would stand at the front of the classroom and

deliver a lesson using only the blackboard and chalk. The teacher was considered the

knowledge fountain.

As I explore the various roles and responsibilities of the teacher I will show the importance

of ensuring the student is given varied tools and opportunities in order to learn and

progress through education and life.

A teacher is not just someone who delivers curriculum content to learner's. The

responsibilities stretch as far as safeguarding children. For example if I thought a student

was suffering abuse at home or was homeless it is my duty to report this to the

safeguarding representative in college. I as a trainee teacher have a duty of care over my

students and understand the duty of care expected of me as a teacher.

Teaching needs to be a varied environment upon which learner's can experience different

1 learning strategies. This could be through group work or discussion based, whichever way

the teacher deliver's the lesson the end outcome is generally more positive from the

learner's point of view.

The teacher has a very important moral responsibility, one that in the end is all that matters

and that is to give students the knowledge and opportunities to succeed into employment.

The best teachers I have had through school and college would draw upon their own

experiences in order to deliver information. Not only did this sometimes simplify situations

or learning processes but it also made learning relevant. Kolb (1984) supports this theory,

he states: ' Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through

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