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The Use of Promotional Activities in the Tourism Industry: the Case of Bangladesh


Submitted By samim
Words 58440
Pages 234
Blekinge Institute of Technology
School of Management
Master Thesis
M.Sc. in Business Administration

The Use of Promotional Activities in the Tourism Industry: The Case of Bangladesh


Md. Jakir Hossain Dr. Klaus Solberg Søilen
ID # 670504-P777 Academic Supervisor
Date: 07 June, 2006


This thesis is an attempt to investigate how the use of promotional activities can help to develop the tourism industry by giving a special concentration to the case of Bangladesh. The investigation was conducted from both a theoretical and an empirical point of view. The contribution of the same industry to the world economy is considerable. Many countries are now dependent on this sector for foreign currency earnings. Every destination country is trying to achieve more gain by developing this industry. The expansion of the tourism through out the world has increased competition among the tourist destinations, trying to attract more tourists by adopting appropriate marketing techniques and strategies. Failure of doing so by a particular marketer will lead to a less competitive in the world tourism market.

As an important element of marketing mix, promotion plays the vital role in marketing any product and service. Tourism product/service is of no exception. Because of the tourists want to know in advance about the attractions and the facilities of a particular destination. The tourist also wants to know other related information of his/her visit to make the same safe, secured and enjoyable. As a result, dissemination of information on travel and tourism-related products and services are highly important. By using the different tools of promotion, marketers attempt to serve this purpose and try to influence the potential tourists’ attitudes in favour of the sponsor’s

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