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The Ways We Lie Essay

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hesis Statement: The article The Ways We Lie by Stephanie Ericsson, goes hand in hand with Oceania. A country falling to corruption, false patriotism, and absolutely no privacy, Orwell’s 1984 encompasses what can happen when a government gains too much power and deceives their people. Omission: Ericsson’s article explains omissions as a story with major details left out, that changes the story completely. Omissions present themselves throughout Orwell’s 1984, for example, the party tells the story of their country, yet they leave out key details that alter the outcome of the story. Orwell explains, “If all others accepted the lie which the party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth” (Orwell …show more content…
Oceania as a country envelopes the lie, because they only care about the citizens’ loyalty to the country. Taking any steps necessary to make sure that each citizen keeps their loyalty to Oceania, using telescreens to monitor everyone’s every move, and have spies to report citizens for thinking out against the government. For example, “Winston turned the switch and the voice sank somewhat, though the words were still distinguishable. The instrument could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely” (Orwell 1). Obviously, no matter what you do no one can escape the government, with spies and cameras everywhere citizens have one thing to do, conform. Out-and-Out Lie: The final lie in Ericsson’s article, the out-and-out lie. Out-and-out lies easily confront the deceptions, and allows said person to know where they stand on the issue. Like 1984 Oceania lies in the people’s faces. For instance, Orwell explains what the party tells their citizens, stating, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears” (Orwell 30). Literally telling their people to disregard anything wrong they hear. Furthermore, each person knows where they stand in the world, and cannot complain, because they know no

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