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Transcendental Properties of Being


Submitted By kwezyman
Words 2742
Pages 11
Metaphysics is not just a science in Aristotle’s conception of it, but one that distinguishes itself from all the particular sciences by firstly raising the question of the first and most universal causes and secondly by taking as its subject of consideration ‘being’ simply as ‘being’ in its most universal and in its most concrete sense as present in experience. Implicitly, being must be taken as analogous from the very beginning of the investigation, not in the sense that it would diffuse the unity of this science into a mere difference of differences, but in the sense that it would raise this science to a higher kind of unity according to an order of different degrees of being as they relate to a primary analogate as the one to which all relate more or less distantly. To delve more deeply into this analogous subject of consideration one must further distinguish transcendental properties that follow being in its analogous and transcendental sense. In the end, when the question of a first, universal cause of being as being, or of a summit of being that would be totally transcendent, is finally raised, all of this a priori conception of being as analogous according to different degrees with its corresponding degrees of oneness, activity, truth and goodness must be brought into play in relation to things as they come under sense experience as moved, caused, contingent and exhibiting different degrees of perfection in being such as living, sensing and rational consciousness, in order to conclude to the truth of the proposition “God is.”
The Concept of Being
Being is a nature in the first cause, but in all other things, it is present as a participated act and not as nature or part of a nature. Being is predicable of all things whatsoever. Therefore it is not confined to any one of the Aristotelian categories. It runs through all the categories and extends beyond them to their first cause. That is why it is considered a transcendental predicate. ‘Transcendental’ understood as a characteristic found in all things and not what is beyond the world of sense experience. Being actuates potency in a way that is proportionally common to all. It makes the potency more than nothing, it makes a subject be.
Even though the being of sensible things is first known by the human mind and through it subsistent being is attained through mediation, it cannot serve as the nature to which all other instances are referred because it is not the nature of being. Subsistent being and participated beings are denominated like beings because the one is the nature of being and the others are, as beings, its effects. All the others are accordingly beings through reference to subsistent being. Being, as transcendental, is not above all its instances. It does not transcend to its primary instance, but transcends from it to all others. Subsistent being, accordingly, is not transcendental being, but is the cause of that being. It does not come under transcendental being. On the contrary, transcendental being comes under it. Being, one has to bear in mind, is participated not by formal but by efficient causality.
Transcendental Properties of Being
Philosophers have pointed out that Being or that-which-exists has universal characteristics. These are known as the transcendental properties of being. Classically, four have been identified - these are unity, truth, goodness, and beauty. Nevertheless, Being, just as it is predicated of all, differs on account of its transcendental character, it is likewise predicated of any properties it may have as being. Under normal circumstances a subject cannot be predicated of its properties because property plays a qualitative role. However the properties of being have to be even under that aspect in order to function in their qualitative role. “These properties will accompany being wherever being is located or found; and they may be called transcendental properties of being on that basis. As properties they will be in some way distinct from their subject.”1
1. Unity: Unity means that all true beings have “oneness” to them. A given thing is one thing. For example, many parts go into constituting one automobile. However, if the automobile is made into multiple parts by disassembling it, an automobile no longer exists. A heap of automobile parts is not an automobile. It is only their proper assembly into a unity that makes it an automobile. In the same sense, provided each thing is a being, it is a unity. The being of anything whatsoever consists in undividedness. In so far as anything is, it is one. Unity will follow upon being as a property everywhere. Therefore unity is conceptually and not really distinct from being.
It is necessary to point out here that Transcendental unity differs from numerical unity in the sense that the unity which is a property of being transcends all the categories; while numerical unity belongs to only one category of being – quantity. To conceive of a thing as existing and as one is to express the same thing from positive and negative points of view in two concepts. Transcendental unity cannot be regarded as a division being; rather being necessarily implies only unity. Multiplicity arises because each instance of participated being is a unit.
Owing to its unity the existent is self-contained and set off from everything else. As is apparent from the comparison between inorganic matter and a man, when there is an increase in the level of existence there is also an increase in unity; for, while the truly individual thing is very different to recognize in physical matter, man as a person manifests a clearly defined individuality. A complete lack of unity or absolute fragmentation is equivalent to nothing.
The indivisible is secure in its being owing to its simplicity, because it cannot be destroyed be separation. The divisible, on the other hand, is continually robbed of its being through separation, so that it either ceases to exist or at least no longer exists as an undamaged whole.
2. Truth: Where there is being, truth can be had by an intellect capable of knowing that being. Truth is grounded upon the being of a thing, not on its nature. Truth is reached when the intellect knows something as it actually is. It is what the mind strives to attain in its own endeavours. Precisely, truth is attained in a judgment when the judgment reflects the actual being of a thing. The truth of things is their intelligibility. When we look around us and observe clouds, houses, people, etc., we understand what we are seeing as meaningful and intelligible. We do not merely register a meaningless pattern of sensations. Truth, therefore, follows upon being when being is considered in relation to any intellect that can know it. The truth of a being is merely the being itself considered as knowable. “It adds no new reality to the thing, but is expressed in a new concept. Truth, in consequence, is conceptually and not really distinct from being.”2 Truth is said to be formally in the intellect rather than in things because it is what intellection achieves. The intellect gives cognitional being to the thing it knows. Truth is transcendental since all things are intelligible in terms of being. It is, therefore, a transcendental property of being.
3. Goodness: Goodness means that all proper beings fulfill a need or a desire in another - for example, the mother hen is for her chicks, the rain is for the earth, and male is for female. All true beings have this dimension of service. Goodness is being when considered in relation to appetite. It is merely being itself which is now conceived as appetible. It adds nothing real to being. The presence of appetite is known through consciousness in one’s own self. All creatures are appetible basically in their relation to the will of subsistent being, which produced them through free choice. All created things are also appetible to other things. Good, therefore, is that which all desire. Hence whatever is the object of appetite is good. It is not entirely synonymous with being nor adds anything real to being, but it adds to being a relation of suitability to the appetite. Every being is good because ‘to be’ itself is a perfection and therefore desirable. If what is known appears as perfection for the knower, it is desired when absent and enjoyed when possessed. “Goodness, unlike truth, is found formally in the thing sought for or enjoyed, and not in the appetite that seeks it.”3 Appetite is a tendency towards what is in the thing that constitutes its object. Goodness is located in the thing. The infinite being is good by its very essence; for its essence is the ultimate end of all things and therefore, the object of appetite. Finite things, on the other hand, are good only by participation, for they are an end only through their relationship to God, whom they imitate in a limited way. Goodness is based upon perfection, and accidents are necessary for the perfection of anything finite. “When all the required physical perfections are present, the thing is physically good, while the lack of this is called a physical evil,”4 like paralysis in man. In the same way, the required moral perfection in human conduct is called moral goodness like eating moderately; while its absence is moral evil, for example, gluttony. The transcendental character of goodness extends to all things, good and evil, in so far as they are beings. Anything evil is desired only on account of some goodness it possesses. Therefore, everything is transcendentally good. Any good sought for itself terminates the particular appetite. Just as all finite beings are caused by subsistent being, so all finite goods are subordinate to the infinite good that follows upon infinite being. Only the infinitely good can absolutely terminate all appetites because it alone is perfectly good and the perfectly being
4. Beauty: Beauty, of all the transcendental, is the most evasive and the most difficult to understand. It may not be strictly arranged alongside the other transcendental, for it is said to grow out of them as their fulfillment. “It consists in the accord of unity, truth and goodness to which the harmonious mutual penetration of intuitive knowing and satisfied willing corresponds. Existence and spirit achieve rest in beauty because there they have completely found themselves.”5 Beauty seems, therefore, a splendor that emerges from actuated form. It should be present wherever form is actual, wherever anything exists.
Paraphrasing, Aquinas defines Beauty as that which pleases when seen. Everything is beautiful in the measure that it has being. Beauty has:
(1) Integrity, suggesting that everything that is supposed to pertain to a given being is present.
(2) Proportion, which means that all of its components are related to each other in a right and harmonious way; and
(3) Clarity, in which it is meaningful and intelligible (and which can also mean that it has brightness of colour).
As a condition for the fulfillment and perfect harmony of the one, the true and the good, beauty may be included with these three transcendental. Since our analysis applies as much to the spiritually perceptible as to the sensibly visible, there is a purely spiritual beauty. In the physical order, however, we usually apply the term “beautiful” only to what is intensely experienced, because beauty shines brightly in it. Yet metaphysical analysis finds at least a rudimentary beauty in every being because the complete destruction of harmonious wholeness, which makes contemplation and pleasure possible, is equivalent to the annihilation of being. As a transcendental property, beauty is conceptually but not really distinct from being.
Inter-relationship between the Transcendentals The account of the transcendental as stated above permits their intrinsic or essential connection to be seen. Through being, unity comes directly to an entity; it is given with being directly without any intermediary, and for this reason can be referred to as a pre-operative attribute of being. Truth and goodness build upon this; they are not merely educed from the unity of being, but rather are given through a type of operation, and thus are referred to as operative attributes. Intrinsic to truth is a relevance to or conformity with a spiritual knower and this comes to an entity in virtue of its being. In the same way, goodness implies a similar accessibility to or conformity with appetite and this too comes to an entity in virtue of its being. Further, since in knowledge there is only an imperfect or still incomplete union of spirit with being, while in appetition or love this union is complete or perfect, truth is ontologically prior to goodness. What begins in truth finds its completion in goodness. Beauty includes unity, truth and goodness simultaneously and in this sense is their completion and perfect harmony. Unity transforms an entity, making it a harmonious whole in which truth is so luminous that it is not merely grasped discursively, but is perceived directly. But the perception of truth also embraces goodness, which leads one from the disquiet of appetite to the quiet of pleasure or delightful enjoyment. These transcendental properties of being and their contrarieties are basic to the proper understanding of the essence, structure and functioning of being as such, and of the different expressions of being. “They touch on the innermost definition of being as existent reality both in se and quo ad nos.”6 Whatever is, is a thing. If it is a thing, it is something. If it is something, it is one. If it has unity, it is true. If it is true, it is good and a good thing is beautiful.
As to the treatment of the individual transcendental attributes of being, all are agreed that unity, truth and goodness are found in every being. We would add beauty to this, although those who regard beauty as pertaining essentially to sensible intuition do not follow us here. The four attributes discussed “lend themselves to predication in either of two ways, depending on whether one emphasizes being itself (esse), or what has being (ens).”7 The corresponding formulas read: (i) Being is unity, truth, goodness and beauty, where the “is” expresses formal identity. (ii) Every being, so far as existence comes to it, is one, true, good and beautiful, all of which are implied by this formal identity. Other attributes, some of which as ascribed to being are either not actually transcendental, or are included under one of the attributes already mentioned.
The properties referred to as transcendental necessarily accompany being; being manifests itself in them and reveals what it actually is. Just as being is never found without such properties, so these are inseparably bound up with one another in the sense that they include and interpenetrate each other. Consequently, according to the measure and manner in which a thing possesses being, it partakes of unity, truth and goodness, and presumably, though it is but rarely obvious to human cognition, that of beauty; and conversely, according to the measure and manner in which a thing share in these properties, it possesses being. This implies that subsistent being is also subsistent unity, truth, goodness and beauty. The two further determinants that Aquinas, following Avicenna, names as attributes of being, viz, thing (res) and otherness (aliquid), although transcendental, do not stand out as special attributes in contrast to the others, but rather are reducible to these as co-constituted with them. Thus res goes with ens because being bespeaks “something” that accompanies being; this “something” is exactly the same as thing or the essence. In a similar manner, unity includes otherness because what is undivided in itself is necessarily divided or separate from everything else, for which reason unity as separate is already implied in intrinsic unity. ENDNOTES
1 J., Maritain, A Preface to Metaphysics: Seven Lectures on BEING. (New York:Mentor Omega
Books 1962), p. 81.
2 J., Owens, An Elementary Christian Metaphysics. (Texas: Bruce Pub. Comp., 2003), p.115
3 Ibid. p. 110.
4 P., Iroegbu, Metaphysics: The Kpim of Philosophy. (Owerri: International Universities Press
Ltd., (1995), p. 69.
5 J. P., Whalen (ed), New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 14. U.S.A.: Cath. University of America,
Worshington DC., 1967), p. 241.
6 P., Iroegbu, op. cit. p. 68.
7 Ibid. p. 69.

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