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True Meaning of Education


Submitted By DJP1995
Words 534
Pages 3
David Pope
Mr. Grant
English 101
June 11, 2013 An educated person does not need good writing and speaking skills. Most people would argue that one needs to be able to write and speak well in order to be educated. However, these people are not looking at the word educated objectively. The mere definition of educated is simply: having an education; especially: having an education beyond the average. This simple definition does not prove that one does not need good writing and speaking skills. In fact, it raises more questions on the subject. What is the definition of education? Does one need good writing and speaking skills to have an education? The answer as shown above is no. Objectively, education can be defined as the following: the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution; the knowledge or abilities gained through being educated; training and instruction in a particular subject. If education is training and instruction in a particular subject that would mean being educated would be having training and instruction in a particular subject. An example of this could be the job of a carpenter. A carpenter may go to a trade school. At this trade school he will learn Geometry, English, and will also receive hands on training in the basics of carpentry. By taking these classes he has become educated in each one of these. Because he was educated in English 101 he learned how to speak and write properly, but that English class did not educate him in carpentry did it? In order to be considered educated they simply needed to be taught in one subject. What if a boy was born into a carpenter family? When he was little he watched his dad and his grandpa work masterfully at their trade. As he came into his adolescent years his father began training him in the family trade. He was made to work hard

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