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Understanding Human Development in Teaching


Submitted By circlediamond
Words 1133
Pages 5
Understanding Human Development in Teaching
University of Phoenix
Marie Cortes
July 22, 2010

Understanding Human Development in Teaching In this paper I will address his or her understanding of Human Development. I will attempt to show how it will help him or her come to a thoughtful approach with the different stages of a child’s development. I will address such issues as; 1) The Personality Developments, 2) The Cognitive Developments, and 3) The Social Cognitive Developments. I will concentrate these developmental theories based on the age of the students he or she will be teaching (Junior High Science) when he or she graduates from University of Phoenix.
Personality Developments at Age 12-14 There are a large amount of personality theories in the world today. I will focus my attention on the behavioral developments prevalent to this age group. The greatest behavioral developments that late adolescents will experience are risk-taking. These risk-taken experiments will help the child develop and shape his or her identity, give him or her the ability to try new decision-making skills, help with developing realistic judgments of him or herself, gain peer acceptance, and peer respect (ReCAPP, 2009). Oftentimes the risks these adolescents will take end with a legitimate threat to their health and well-being. The most common type of threat, today, is teen pregnancy. More teens today are becoming pregnant because of peer acceptance and respect. The other types of risk these late adolescents are engaging in are: motor vehicle accidents, alcohol and drug abuse, and cigarette smoking.

I believe that all of these risk behaviors may possibly be reduced if parents and teachers talked to them as individuals (not as children). I would help these adolescents understand the process of decision making regarding sex, drugs,

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