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Unit 3: Marketing Assignment


Submitted By russel7394
Words 1136
Pages 5
Unit 3: Marketing Assignment
Task 1

"Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and sufficient customer requirements beneficially."
This means the ideas, the brand, how you communicate, the design, print process, measuring effectiveness, market research and the psychology of consumer behaviour all count as part of the bigger picture of ‘marketing’.
It is a process and not just the production of a single piece of promotional material. Secondly, it is all about satisfying customer needs and those companies that anticipate the needs and respond to them first and/or best will win. Thirdly, the marketing department does not have exclusive rights over this process. A good marketer will ensure all departments within a company have input into this process. Lastly this process has to be profitable for the company.
The following describes the four P's of marketing: Products are the goods and services that the business provides for sale to your target market. When developing a product they should consider quality, design, features, packaging, customer service and any subsequent after-sales service. It also refers to the variation in a product range e.g. Cadburys has dairy milk Oreo, dairy milk whole nut etc.
Place is in regards to distribution, location and methods of getting the product to the customer. This includes the location of your business, shop front, distributors, logistics and the potential use of the internet to sell products directly to consumers.
Price concerns the amount of money that customers must pay in order to purchase your products. There are different pricing strategies e.g. McDonalds uses psychological pricing i.e. 99p menus whereas Cadburys uses competitive pricing for its basic product i.e. dairy milk.
Promotion refers to the act of

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