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Utility, Elasticity, and Demand


Submitted By wsuraider
Words 716
Pages 3
Assignment 2: Utility, Elasticity, and Demand
Microeconomics 202

I have been placed in charge of a product campaign for a new shampoo, Blue Hawaiian. The objective will be to create and produce a product that competes with the economy brand shampoos currently in the marketplace. The ultimate goal of the campaign will be market penetration and distribution in major retailers including Walmart, Target, Kroger, Costco, and Albertsons/Safeway to name a few. In order to initially gain distribution we will have to utilize a saes team to get appointments with the buyers of the retailers we wish to target and present our new line. To secure new distribution funds will be allocated to ensure warehouse slotting. The initial distribution push will be rolled into the marketing and production costs of Blue Hawaiian shampoo’s launch. Blue Hawaiian will have different SKU’s with Hawaiian influence; Coconut, Pineapple, Mango, and Island Breeze. Pricing will be competitive with popular brands such as Suave, Dove, Pantene, and Neutrogena. ( The target retail will be $3.99 at retailers such as Kroger and Albertson/Safeway, $3.19 at Walmart and Target, and $5.79 for a club pack at Costco. The target production cost will be .99 a unit for the singles, and $1.98 for the club pack. Various forms of marketing will be used in the launch of Blue Hawaiian shampoo. Television, print, and social media will be the primary sources of marketing to the consumer. Ad allowances will be offered to the retailer to promote and display Blue Hawaiian shampoo. Additionally, instantly redeemable coupons (IRC’s) and freestanding insert (FSI) ads will be utilized during the launch as well. FSI’s are one page ads that you get in the Sunday paper and have a coupon attached. The IRC’s will be stickers with .75 redeemable value, and the

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