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Week 4 Essay: Comparing Dbms


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PT2520: Database Concepts
Week 4 Essay: Comparing DBMS

Comparing DBMS
What is database management system (DBMS)? Database management system is reliable mean to organize date into a single location that can be searched and updated at any time. By adding all the information in one location or in this case a server you are storing the information for later use. You can than search any information you require and update it or even remove old items from the database. Today there are several different options or providers for a DBMS server. Among the top providers you have Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB, MS SQL Server.
Oracle 12C
Oracle 12C is a cloud base database management system. It supports the following operating systems (OS) Microsoft Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris and some Unix. It is a web-based interface that stores all the procedures on the Oracle Management Repository. The most recent update was released on September 30, 2014. Some of the benefits of Oracle 12c are the following. Per oracle documentation “It provided a secure multitenant application by adding a layer of abstraction or containerization. It allows you to use the cloud providers for an easy and quick mean to allocate and manage the database across multiple systems and data centers without changing the application”. It also provides a disaster recovery, backup, patching, cloning and upgrading flexibility. Oracle is able to replace or move any information while you use either of the following RMAN, Data Guard, or other Oracle base tools. With PDB’s it consumes less memory than a standalone server. You don’t have to change anything to be able to implement the new PDB’s. It allows easy upgrade functions without having to redo your entire database. The most noted disadvantage is that if one table becomes corrupted it affects all customer on the database. Also the application complexity might also be added in trying to always determine the query of which record you are trying to retrieve.
MySQL is another option of a DBMS. MySQL works on Oracle Solaris, Microsoft, Apple OS, IBM AIX and Linux. There are two main version of MySQL you have the Community which is a free version of a Server/Database for personal or small business. There is also the enterprise which is a payed service from oracle for bigger database that is made in mind for bigger business or enterprises. MySQL promises that it is easy to use with the basic knowledge of SQL. It is also secure layers that promise to protect your data. They also promise that it’s fast by making it consume fewer resources. It manages the memory well and prevents memory leak. It also supports several development interfaces i.e. visual studios PHP, Pearl and others. It also supports Novell Cluster Service on Netware. Per DataRealm site the disadvantages of MySQL are: few stability issues, suffers from relatively poor perforce scaling, development is not community driven, and its functionality tends to be heavy dependent on addons.
This DBMS is able to be used on Microsoft, Linux, Unix, and IBM iSeries OS. DB2 is able to connect to palm-top application to the use mainframe and mini-computer hosting debase. IBM DB2 allows self-configuration. The database its self is ready to use instantly but you can configure it to any way you like. DB2 provides high end security based of the object-based security model that IBM provides. It has digital signing that help prevent unauthorized access, 128 bit data encryption and SSL along with US Government C2 security compliances and auditing. It includes automatic performs tuner that will adjust the system resourced based ont eh predictive analysis. Some disadvantages is that the table relationship is not well adapted to this new demand. It requires a lot of XML file data that is transformed into the type of relationship between the tables.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server supports only on Microsoft. That is one of the biggest disadvantages that its based of a single operating system. Some of the main advantages are streamline installation, better perforce features, great security features and excellent data recovery support. Another disadvantage is the cost for the program it’s pretty high up there. Limited compatibility.
My decision
After reviewing all the major options out there I have chosen to use the IBM DB2. The main reason is that it compatible with most operating systems out there to date. It offers top shelf security protection. It is reliable and also able to recover data if corrupted. My other choice would have been Microsoft SQL Server for its great recovery support but with so many operating systems out there I believe that IBM would be a better choice.

Mack, J. (2014, May 28) Five Advantages & Disadvantages of MySQL. Retrieved July 12, 2015 Supported Platforms: MySQL Database. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2015.
Garrett,, B. (2013, August 1). Introducing Oracle Database 12c: Manage Many Databases as One. Retrieved July 12, 2015 Hess, K. (2015, May 1). Top 10 Enterprise Database Systems to Consider in 2015. Retrieved July 12, 2015. IBM DB2 for i. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2015.

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