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Welcome To America

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Back on the islands of Malaysia, my dad had to work through many difficult tasks that we take for granted everyday in our luxurious lives. Although he was blessed to have something to cover his head, it took the form of a canvas which combined with a stick formed a tent-like structure. He also had the necessities he needed to keep him alive such as water, but he had to travel a long distance with a bucket there and back to reach the local watering well of the whole community. In addition, to use the restroom, he had to climb up a towering mountain to reach a hole in the ground where you had to pour water into the hole to take the place of a plumbing system. “Welcome to America!” the friendly voice of the pilot boomed out of the speakers. Anxiousness coursed through his body as he imagined all the different scenarios of how the new land would look like. When the plane touched down, the murmuring of his family stopped as they wondered what the next chapter in our life held. Simultaneously, he and his sisters plastered their faces to the window as they tried to get a glimpse of the shiny new world that they had only heard of. “Would they eat rice?” “Did they only eat bread?” he asked himself these questions as they cautiously got off of the the strange contraption used to cushion their butts of which they had none of on the island to enter into the brave new world. …show more content…
My stomach growled on cue. He unsealed the bag to find soda, an apple, and this irregularly shaped piece of food which smelled like chicken. Once he took a bite into the “chicken”, succulent flavor exploded into his mouth. He scarfed his food down but sadly didn't get to finish it because had to put it down when a welcoming looking person stood in front of

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