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What Could Be the Future Perspectives of Apple over the Strategic Issues in Order to Maintain Its Competitive Advantage?


Submitted By mecawa01
Words 16190
Pages 65
International Management Project - Apple -


In a context of “fast growing technological market", what could be the futures perspectives of Apple over the strategic issues in order to maintain its competitive advantage?


I – A Sociology of Steve Jobs

A) Steve jobs: the perfect illustration of a charismatic authority

B) Steve Jobs: does he really is an inventor?

C) From death to succession

II – How does Apple react about the uprising competition on the consumer electronic market?

A) Understanding the market

B) External and Internal analyze through specific models

C) Major changes on the market

D) Apple’s strategic positioning: a specific target audience

III – Recommendations and Justifications

A) Drawing of frightening competitor

B) Possible strategies

C) What Apple is looking for and how to reach it?




In a period of financial turbulences, the consumer electronics market is facing several challenges where every company have to differentiate themselves and bring something more through innovation in to be able to maintain their competitive advantage and to grow their market share.

In this case, Apple, great name, is probably the most innovative corporation established on this market by staying aware of the trends evolutions as well as of the electronics consumers’ needs to gain competitive advantages. Indeed, its orientation over frequents innovations, a precise listening of its consumers’ needs and expectations, as well as a particular response to competition have allowed the company to become a renowned brand.

Thus, Apple is an American corporation founded on the 1st April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, but Steve Jobs has remained the most well-known one. Thereby, the company

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