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White Privilege Experience

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I have never in my life have experienced white privilege. It is because I am a Chinese descent and I am also part of the minority in our population. Even though I have not experienced white privilege, but I have observed some of my white classmates to experience white privilege. I went to an elementary school that was pretty diverse, but there were some white children in the school. There were some in my class, and I remember there was a time where I had noticed white privilege had appeared. It happened in grade five, I was playing with one of the white girls and I think we were laughing at something that had offended one of our classmates even though we didn’t mean to. Then our teacher had called us out in the hall and started to give a lecture to us about why we should have not done that. My white classmate had made an excuse on why she did that and the teacher had let her back into the classroom without getting into trouble. I saw her made an excuse and I did the same thing thinking that I might get out of trouble. Instead I wasn’t off the hook and the teacher had to give me a light punishment. Then I have become aware that whatever trouble she made, she would be able to get out of it. While on the other hand, if I …show more content…
Like I have said before I am a Chinese descent and I can say that I have coloured skin. I don’t think it is fair to have white privilege because people of Caucasian descent are able to have advantages that they benefit daily while others who are not Caucasian cannot receive those advantages in their daily lives. What I think can be done about it is to treat others from different races the same like how they treat Caucasians and give them the same advantages as well. What I realize about white privilege that I have not thought about before is that white people don’t know that white privilege exists in their lives and people treat them that way automatically, without a

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