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Why Memo Is Disliked by Manager


Submitted By maggiey997
Words 370
Pages 2
1. Many managers dislike memos because they are disorganized, wordy and pointless. The most effective manger should not be trapped in memos
2. With the development of computer technology, the numbers of memos are increasing.
3. The reasons of sending memos are managerial, psychological and political.
4. The memo is the most useful tool for communicating large amounts of detailed information. Might be dangerous if written inappropriately. Sued or fired
5. The memo is the managerial tool of choice when you want to put out word to lots of people. Have to be worded with exquisite care, particularly for announcing bad news-turn down in business, a firing, promotion over rivals. Recipient are likely to pore over these bullentins.(rewrite)
6. Announcing executive’s dismissal become more concise for the fear of annocing too many contributions may cause people think the firing was unjustified. Good that companies have stopped firing people by memo
7. Psychological reason: Memos are overused by mangers because they feel uncomfortable, too shy to communicate in person or over the phone.
8. Mangers send memos for political reasons. carry political power
9. Convey more subtle political messages. If changed from informal to formal, need to find out what has changed.
10. Clear motive, not wordy, easy to understand
11. Well-defined purpose in mind: who is your audience? What do you want them to do? What information they want?
Pick a format-some companies establish standardized format, that help Differentiate major points from minor points
A “To” line, a “From” line, a single line identifying the subject, a brief paragraph stating the memo’s message, a summary of the background of the memo, supporting information as necessary and a concluding summary or statement of the action requested.
12. Most famous stricture in corporate memo writing is Procter & Gamble’s

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