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Submitted By reality39842
Words 671
Pages 3
August 27, 2015
To: Parents of Beulahland Youth Choir

Dear Parents,
In our meeting on August 26, 2015 we had several topics brought to us. While trying to meet everyone concerns first we decided not to have anyone do solo praise dance. The reason we made this decision, we want our youth to learn the meaning of unity. We also had someone whose child felt like an “outcast”…. that is not our intentions and we are very apologetic for this child feeling this way and it is not intentions for a child not to feel motivated. In the future, with the four of us working together we will ensure you this will be resolved. Again, we are ONE team in Christ. A parent also talked about what is said in the presence of the child and how we discpline in the presence of the entire group. We will contact the parent if needed to discuss any issues we are having with your child. This will ensure that we have not shown favortism.
In regards to singing, to accommodate each individual each of our youth (if desired) will have a chance to lead a song. We will not have any child feeling left out while doing God’s will and continuing our worship. It is very important that each child know our singing and praise dancing is a gift from God. Each child should know they are not singing and praising for themselves but for God. THIS IS PLEASING TO GOD. We need every parent to help us minister this to our children and let them all of them are AWESOME children. By doing this all will know their purpose while being united.
While working with the youth each of us will grow in our ministry. We will respect each other at all times with any of your cares and concerns. You are more than welcome to contact any one of us with any matter you may have. Please keep in mind if this is done we will discuss this collectively as a group. Our purpose is to stay on one accord and display team worship.

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