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In The Next Room Essay

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In the Next Room deals with the sexuality of men and women alike; although it focuses on the sexuality of women as well as the female anatomy the most. It deals with the sexist ideas that any woman with heightened emotions or strong reactions to a situation suffer from “female hysteria”. For a long time “hysteria” was used as a blanket term used for all female emotions and strong male emotional responses, but that is not the only thing this play deals with. I believe this play deals with issues of science overstepping their bounds and invading personal life as well as how sex or the lack thereof effects relationships of all types. The play deals with many issues surrounding sexuality, gender, and anatomy, but after reading a review from The …show more content…
The Post states close to the end of their review that the play deals with the unequal control over personal sexuality that women experience, but throughout the whole review this is the only issues that the review blatantly states the play deals with. It states that the play, “centers on women’s disenfranchisement from their own body”, but I feel as though that limits the play. This play also deals with issues of invasions of personal space and privacy by having doctors deal directly with the sexual stimulation of both men and women alike, which while at the time was viewed as within their territory, has sense been viewed as a personal and private issue. This play, depending on how you cast it, can deal with issues of gender identity. I believe to stay true to the heart of the play you cannot cross anatomy cast the play. What I mean by this is while it might be ok to cast trans actors the play focuses most on the anatomical issues of gender so the play needs to be cast atomically gender correct to fully express the messages of the

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