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1. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion


Submitted By jubyalexander
Words 408
Pages 2
1. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
I think this Heath promotion would be a good topic for Lanham due to in our paper, we indicated Lanham's high rate of HIV/Asthma /Obesity and many uninsured residences. We can focus on 1) good nutrition programs, 2) physical activites and fitness 3) routine physical exams and/or 4) immunization. I think there is a wealth of information out there on these preventions. Plus if falls under Healthy People 2020. What do you guys think?
I agree with HIV in teenager 11-12 Graders
2. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
3. Bioterrorism / Disaster
4. Environmental Issues

From that plan we write the paper using the heading below for each section.....
You will have your introduction (introducing the assignment). Then include only the following headings in your paper:

Proposed Community Teaching * I would proposed teaching about proper nutrition and phycial activities and fitness and regular doctors visits.
Planning Before Teaching * Economical factors such as can resident afford healthy meals and exerices (gym membership) and regular doctor's visits? Do they health insurance? * Transportation factors do resident have means to get to doctor visit? * knowledge factor such as do resident know the importance of the teaching? do they know what a healthy meal is? etc..... * Resident preception of health status. Perhaps they believe themself to be health?
Epidemiological Rational for Topic * Rational for Topic could be if resident continue with poor nutrition/ limited exercise / and no regular doctors visits then there could be an increase rate of diseases such as HTN and Diabetic which would then increase the demands on healthcare for the community.
Nursing Diagnosis * Alter Health Maintance r/t high number of uninsuranced residence as evident by high # of

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