Premium Essay

10 Priorities for a Paper


Submitted By Jctc2007
Words 273
Pages 2
Thesis Does the paper have a point? Is the point worth making? Is the point clear to the reader by the time he or she finishes reading the paper? Does every aspect of the paper relate to the main point?

Audience Are the point of view, format, diction, and style consistent with the needs and expectations of the audience?

Following Does the paper satisfy all of the requirements of the assignment,
Directions including length, use of sources, format, etc? Does the paper satisfy the conventions of its kind (does it follow the unique qualities of a term paper, summary, review, research report, narrative, lab report, etc.)

Support Is a clear distinction made between assertion and support? Is there sufficient amount of support? Is there a sufficient variety of support, including such facts, statistics, examples, anecdotes, quotations, illustrations, hypotheticals, etc.?

Structure Is there an introduction, body, and conclusion? Are paragraphs cohesive? Do transitions signal relationships between ideas

Syntax Has the paper maintained logical word order, correct grammatical structure, coordination, subordination, and effective closure of independent or sentence units?

Diction Is word choice appropriate for the audience, purpose, assignment, and rhetorical stance? Do the words convey meaning accurately and effectively? Is the style clear, authentic, graceful, and compelling?

Standard Is the paper written in the dialect and conventions of standard-
Usage written discourse?

Spelling & Does the paper use standard orthography (spelling) and conventional
Punctuation graphic devices?

Presentation Is the paper accurately typed and proofread? Does it feature a title page, proper page numbering, appropriate margins, a clean type face? Is it presented attractively?

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