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A Suitable Match


Submitted By alena1996
Words 743
Pages 3
A suitable match

The Victorian age is the period of time, when Queen Victoria was reigning. It was from 1827-1901. Even though England had all of these great things in the Victorian age, the class system was still a very big part of it, unfortunately.
The social classes are very different. There is a class called Lower class. A person who is a part of the lower class is not wealthy when it comes to money. They depended very much on other people. Like poor people or orphans relied on the charity of others.
Then there is the working class. They were divided in two groups; skilled class and unskilled class.
The middle class is a wide class. A person in the middle class, could be as rich as one in the upper-class, but because of their social status, they can only be placed in the middle class. This is called higher middle class. Lower middle class people often work for people in the higher middle class. The upper-class was the highest class. They were rich on money, and they were rich on their status and their circle of acquaintances.
The play takes place in the house of Lady Bracknell. It is in the company of Lady Bracknell and a guy named Jack, we hear the play. Jack is a possible match for Lady Bracknell’s daughter, Gwendolen. The plot is over a very short amount of time, about ten minutes. Lady Bracknell is asking Jack some questions to find out if he is suitable for her daughter. Not every guy is suitable for her daughter. It is not just her daughter she is giving away to a man; she is also passing on her inheritance and legacy to this man and her daughter.
Jack is twenty-nine years old. He earns between seven and eight thousand pounds a year and he owns a country house as well as a town house. The town house is rented out to a Lady called Bloxham. Lady Bracknell does not know Lady Bloxham, so it does not seem like Lady Bloxham is someone even worth knowing

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