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Appendix D


Submitted By tracroe40
Words 3025
Pages 13
University of Phoenix Material

Appendix D

Part I

Define the following terms:

|Term |Definition |
|Ethnic group |Group of people whose members are identified through common traits. |
|Anti-Semitism |Is a suspicion of hatred toward or discrimination against Jews for reason connected to Jewish heritage.|
|Islamophobia |Is a neologism that refers to prejudice or discrimination against Islam or |
| |Muslims. |
|Xenophobia |The fear of hatred of strangers or foreigners. |
|Persecution |Is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group, most common are religious, |
| |perecution¸and ethnic persecution. |
|Religious group |The term religious group means “as set of individuals whose identity as |
| |such is distinctive in terms of common religious creed, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals. |

Part II

Select at least 1 religious and 1 ethnic/racial group not your own from the list below.

• Religious groups (based on

o Christianity

• Evangelical Protestant • Mainline Protestant • Historically Black Churches • Roman Catholic • Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) • Jehovah’s Witnesses • Orthodox (Greek, Eastern)

o Judaism

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