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Australian Bushfires Research Paper

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Charcoal deposits in soil samples provides evidence of bushfires as far back as one hundred thousand years ago. This charcoal allows scientists to analyse the frequency of bushfires in Australia, and speculate about main causes for change. In the absence of human interference, the most common instigator of bushfires are lightning strikes which we can trace back to the beginning of time. For this fact bushfires were common but few such years ago. However, since the arrival of Aboriginal Australians from the North fifty thousand years ago, their has been an increased spike in charcoal deposits from soil samples. The need of fire for hunting, heat, traditional ceremonies, and the necessity of fire as a resource has caused this exponential incline. …show more content…
Australian organisms have been forced to adapt over time to withstand the rising frequency of Bushfire occurrences over the past 50000 years. These species have been forced to adapt to the conditions in order to prosper in the unrelenting Australian bushland environment. The Banksia fruit is an example of a native Australian plant adapting over time to survive the fatal bushfires in Australia. As a result they have formed a unique adaptation which requires heat to release their seeds - this is known as serotiny. Alongside the heat required for germination, the Banksia fruit is armoured with thick bark that helps protect the tree trunk and ultimately survive raging bushfires.

NSW Government. (2017). How Fire Affects Plants and Animals. Available: Last accessed 21/02/2018.

Tropical Savannas CRC & Bushfire CRC. (2005). Effects of Fire on Plants and Animals: Individual Level. Available: Last accessed

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