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Balanced Ecosystem


Submitted By bombdiggity29
Words 556
Pages 3
Jessica Hilliard
December 07, 2015
Environmental Science

Glimmerville City Council

To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform on balancing the ecosystem and offering solutions for the ongoing problem of grass carp, in Glimmerville. A balanced ecosystem is when natural animals, plant life, and non-living elements are in sync with one another. When the ecosystem is disturbed by increasing pollution, population, and migrating patterns they lose their coherence. When introducing invasive species to native species it creates an unbalanced ecosystem. Invasive species are aliens to the new habitat. When an invasive species are introduced they potentially kill off the native species and can even cause changes in the chemistry of the soil. Succession happens when the ecosystem has been disturbed naturally or by man-made. Gradually over time the ecosystem’s structure and biodiversity will change. When invasive species compete against native species it is like “survival of the fittest”. The invasive will compete against the native species for the same resources. One small change changes the balance of an ecosystem which results in the change of the flow of energy. Invasive species can directly kill native species by feeding on them and drastically eliminating their population. Invasive species hold to their name they invade. There are several solutions for eliminating the population of grass carp to the area of Glimmerville. One favorable solution is incentive fishing that could get the citizens and local fishermen involved in controlling the ongoing issue. Another solution could be to introduce electric barriers, like they use in the Mississippi River. Another alternative approach would be to introduce chemical’s to eliminate the grass carp. Genetic testing could also be a solution for eliminating grass carp. Each solution has a pro and a con, the favorable solution is harvesting or incentive fishing. It outweighs in pro’s more than con’s. It would bring money to the city of Glimmerville and support local businesses. Grass carp are also known to be very enjoyable to catch although the downside is they are not eatable due to so many bones. Electric barriers are used to prevent carp from entering other water canals. However, it has been proven that they are not as effective as once thought. Introducing chemicals could harm the environment more than other alternative approaches and harm other native species as well. It has also been proven the Asian carp can survive chemical treatments. Genetic testing could eliminate the female carp buy cutting down population of other carp. But this too could become very costly, but by eliminating female carp reproducing would be less and less and they would not become a major threat. As humans try and restore the balance of ecosystems, it will be slow in results and will ever more difficult. By being involved in local communities and preserving land can help maintain balance in an ecosystem. Taking action into preserving the ecosystems will prevent alien species from entering and disturbing preserved land inhabited by native species.
Sustainability is important for all living aspects of life. Our environment is what keeps us healthy and living. The environment can cause disease, cancer and other life altering issues. The quality of air we breathe to our food and water source is all part of the environment. If we do not have a healthy earth, then how can we stay healthy?

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