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Business Information


Submitted By meu1
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Speaking on the front of all IT students, we use lot of technology, coding everyday, but have we paused a while to think, who were the pioneers, who walked that extra step to make this happen! After a small minute research I have collaborated some data, that might be helpful for you to figure out who's who! :) Beginning with my favorite coding language, JavaScript, the person behind this was Brendan Eich. Moving to Java, it was James Gosling's dream come true. The most popular one, C was the work of Dennis Ritchie. Adding two plus signs to it, C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup. Then its PERL, the work of Larry Wall.
SQL was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin & Raymond F. Boyce. Moving forward, Python was designed by Guido van Rossum. And the last and famous coding language used by masses, PHP, was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf
The World Economic Forum's Technology Pioneers programme recognizes companies, normally in a start-up phase, from around the world that are involved in the design, development and deployment of new technologies, and hold promise of significantly impacting the way business and society operate.
Technology Pioneers must demonstrate visionary leadership and show signs of being long-standing market leaders – their technology must be proven. Each year, hundreds of innovative companies from around the world are reviewed, with approximately 30 selected as Technology Pioneers in the following three categories:

AFP - Charles Kao, Willard Boyle and George Smith won the 2009 Nobel Physics Prize Tuesday for pioneering "masters of light" work on fibre optics and semiconductors, the Nobel jury said. The Hong Kong-based expert Kao and his two American counterparts were hailed for creating the two tools that helped unleash the Information Technology revolution of today. "This year's Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded for two scientific achievements that have helped to shape the foundations of today's networked societies. "They have created many practical innovations for everyday life and provided new tools for scientific exploration," it said. One of them is the fibre-optic cable, which enables transmission of data at the speed of light, the Nobel jury said. Kao, who has British nationality but has been based in Hong Kong, was awarded half of the prize for "groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication," it said. "If we were to unravel all of the glass fibres that wind around the globe, we would get a single thread over one billion kilometres (600 million miles) long -- which is enough to encircle the globe more than 25,000 times -- and is increasing by thousands of kilometres (miles) every hour," it said. Kao's discovery means that "text, music, images and video can be transferred around the globe in a split second," the jury said. Boyle and Smith shared the other half of the prize for "the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit -- the CCD sensor," or the charge-coupled device, which is the "electronic eye" of the digital camera. The CCD sensor, invented in 1969, "revolutioniseded photography, as light could be now captured electronically instead of on film." CCD technology is also used in many medical applications, such as imaging the inside of the human body, both for diagnostics and for microsurgery. Last year, the prize went to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa of Japan and Yoichiro Nambu of the United States for groundbreaking theoretical work on fundamental particles called quarks. On Monday, Australian-American scientist Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider and Jack Szostak of the United States won the Nobel Medicine Prize for identifying a key molecular switch in cellular ageing. The Chemistry Prize laureates will be named on Wednesday, followed by the Literature Prize on Thursday and the Peace Prize on Friday. The Economics Prize will wrap up the awards on Monday, October 12. The Nobel prizes, founded by Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, were first awarded in 1901. Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, died childless in 1896, dedicating his vast fortune to create "prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." Laureates receive a gold medal, a diploma and 10 million Swedish kronor (1.42 million dollars, 980,000 euros) which can be split between up to three winners per prize. The formal awarding of the prizes will take place at gala ceremonies in Stockholm and Oslo on December 10.

Education is all about making us better people. It not only imparts knowledge, but also makes us think. In this direction, it's not just the bookish knowledge that is important, co-curricular activities are also needed. That is why so much importance is given to sports, elocution and debates among other things. Let's concentrate on the topic of debates for a while.

Debates hone our skill at being able to approach a topic in all its aspects, know it inside out and be able to put forth points and arguments that support our point of view. Therefore, it teaches us to be thoroughly prepared and able to develop the techniques of getting our points across. The following article will give you some such debate topics to refer to and work with.

Current Debate Topics

College students need something that can get them to really think a topic through, understand the topic in all its entirety, get to the bottom of the pros and cons, and after choosing the side that they are on (pros or cons) and then be able to defend the same with arguments that are near impossible to beat. Keeping that in mind, here are some debatable topics for college students that will make you think and broaden your horizon.
Are live-in relationships the way to go?
Are social networking sites doing us any good? Or are they just a sophisticated way of stalking people?
Is torture justified for national security?
Cell phones should be banned in schools.
Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial?
Violent video games should be banned.
Should the death penalty be eradicated?
Are beauty pageants just a way of objectifying women?
Cigarettes should be banned from society.
Is it unethical to eat meat?
Should homework be banned?
Parking space should be shown before being able to purchase a car.
Celebrities make for bad role models.
Credit cards are more harmful than lifesaving.

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