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Call for Papers


Submitted By editorijaet
Words 367
Pages 2
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology(IJAET)
ISSN 2231-1963

IJAET is a carefully refereed international publication. Contributions of high technical merit are to span the breadth of Engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering and advances in technology. IJAET publishes contributions under Regular papers, Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes, and Letters to the editor. Book reviews, reports of and/or call for papers of conferences, symposia and meetings could also be published in this Journal

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Authors are kindly invited to submit their full text papers including conclusions, results, tables, figures and references. • The text paper must be according to IJAET Paper format and paper format can download from our website ( Full text papers will be accepted in only .doc format. • The papers are sent to the reviewers for their review process. • After review process, the reviewer recommend whether a paper will be accepted, rejected, or resubmission with significant changes. • If a paper is require changes, than the same reviewers will be decide that the revised paper is accepted or rejected. • All submitted articles should be original and

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