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Can Go Video Analysis


Submitted By caillou94
Words 1632
Pages 7
Can Go Video Analysis Report

Jessica Peace
Dustin Peterson
Julissa Rivera
Mitchell Rodriguez
Jesse Sanchez

Busn 460 Senior Project
DeVry University
Professor Mozinski

Revamped Vision Video Analysis Report 1. CanGo lacks a strategic business plan. A strategic business plan is a clear guide that a business puts together to achieve it business goals and objectives both short-term and long-term (Lorette, n.d.). 2. Corrective action I. 3. To achieve this they must first implement a distinctive mission, vision and value statement. The mission and vision statements are central to the strategic planning process because they provide a company’s reason for existence and what it wishes to achieve. The value statement serves as a moral compass for the company and its staff helping with decision making and forming a standard (SHRM, 2012). Once the mission, vision and value statements are determined we can focus on the next phase of strategic issues that need to be addressed in the planning process. 4. 5. CanGo lacks a defined company culture. While some take their work very seriously, others look at their work as just a job. It is time for CanGo to define their Company Culture. 6. Corrective action II. 7. Having a strong and healthy company culture can create a powerful and long lasting competitive advantage. This kind of advantage is difficult to detect by your competitors, and will become one of the most important motivators in making employees productive (Muratović, 2013). It is also important to note that just defining a company culture is not enough to have your employees adopt it. First, it must be clear to each employee what they are expected to do, and how it will help the company. This is important, as it gives each employee a sense of purpose and pride in what they are doing. Next, define how management

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