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Chapter 1 Mis


Submitted By areejt11
Words 6353
Pages 26
Management Information Systems

Laudon & Laudon

Lecture Notes on

Management Information Systems (Chapters: 1, 2, 5, and 9)

1. Concepts of MIS/IS 2. What’s New in Management Information Systems? 3. Digital Firm 4. Strategic Business Objectives of Information Systems 5. Information Systems (IS) Vs. Information Technology (IT) 6. Perspectives on Information Systems 7. Information System and its Functions 8. Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems. 9. Dimensions of Information Systems 10. Defining IT infrastructure: 11. Evolution of IT infrastructure 12. The IT Infrastructure Ecosystem 13. Types of Structured Business Information Systems 14. Systems That Span the Enterprise

Concepts of MIS/IS:
Management Information Systems: MIS means the whole network of systems which support the organization to manage their business affairs. • Many organizations have information systems that are entirely manual. Such systems are a subset of a wider class of systems, computer-based information systems, which rely on information technology as well as humans for their operational functions. IS need not be necessarily computer-based.
Management information systems (MIS) deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm. As such, MIS is defined as the study of information systems focusing on their use in business and management. • Management information systems (MIS) combines computer science, management science, operations research and practical orientation with behavioral issues • MIS can be used interchangeable with IS. Information System (IS) can be define as a set of procedures that collects, retrieves, processes, stores and disseminates

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