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Conspiracy Theories of 9/11


Submitted By AIWashington
Words 2095
Pages 9
Conspiracy Theories of 9/11

Conspiracy Theories of September 11thThere is a lot of speculation on who was actually behind what happened on September 11, 2001. On this date one of America's greatest tragedies occurred. In this tragedy, around three thousand people were killed, with a total of six thousand injured. On this day four planes were hijacked; two of them hit the Twin towers in New York city, one hit the Pentagon in Arlington Virginia just outside Washington D.C., and a fourth one crashed in Pennsylvania, the intended destination of that plane is unknown. What happened on this day completely changed the world forever.( people who have been said to be responsible was a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. The United States citizens have been told to believe that there were 19 hijackers from Al-Qaeda who hijacked four United States commercial jets, and purposefully crashed them into The Twin Towers, and The Pentagon. After the attack happened, the United States responded with launching “The War on Terror” and invaded Afghanistan to eliminate the Al-Qaeda. The leader in charge of the attack was Osama Bin Ladin. This war is still going on to this day, and we still have not found Osama Bin Ladin. ("Formal Analysis, September 11 2001.")The world, specifically the United states, believe that this planned attack was unknown to the United States government.. Many conspirators believe that the government knew about the plans to attack The Twin Towers and The Pentagon, and still allowed it to happen. The main proof that people point at to this theory is that there was what looked like to be insider trading. On the Thursday before September 11, 2001, over two thousand put options (an agreement between seller and buyer) were put on United Airlines (one of the two airlines whose plains were hijacked). The two thousand puts is over ninety times

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