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Digital Marketing


Submitted By bcamerota
Words 369
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Digital Marketing
Blob Summary 1

The article I analyzed was highlighted a blog website called The title of the article is “a systemic approach to pay per click ppc advertising”. The article talks about how difficult it can be to achieve pay-per-click marketing results. It also discusses how complex the pay per click platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are becoming. The author of the article explains that the complexity of pay per click marketing can be over whelming but there is a way to think about all this to help you through your day as a search engine-marketing manager a bit easier and it begins by thinking in systems. She explains how marketers need the ability to increase their capacity to think, learn, communicate and act more systemically. The author states how important it is to keep learning and exploring new approaches.

The author of the article wrote a book called, “Dancing with systems” which reiterates her point of understanding the system of pay-per-click advertising and search engine marketing. She gives good advice and explains if you listen and pay attention to what is important, keywords and text ads will tell you their story once the data begins to unfold. I think this is true very true in marketing and is important. She explains how each day; search engine managers should crave to learn something new about an account or their approach to managing pay per click advertising. Everyone who touches a keyword is a part of the greater, global pay-per-click system. It is irresponsible not communicate information and doing so will come back to hurt you in the long-term. Collaboration and sharing of ideas and results, good or bad, can only help grow pay-per-click advertising efforts. The article makes some very good points for example communication is always important sharing information can always be used in a positive way. Another good take away is to learn the pay per click system and keep learning new ways and approaches to marketing. Although Pay per click advertising can be complex pay attention to key works and text adds and keep learning from everything around you.

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