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Does Media Effect a Women’s Body Image?


Submitted By ashleywetts
Words 1391
Pages 6
Does media effect a women’s body image?


The rationale of this experiment is to study the effect media has on a female’s body image and self-esteem. “Popular media barrages women with images that portray what is considered to be the ‘ideal body’” (Serdar, 2014, para.7). Society tells women what kind of body image they should strive for. The media portrays the ideal body as accentuating features such as eyes, breasts, bottom and legs. This image is based of the look of an average fashion model that is 5’10” and weighing around one hundred twenty pounds. These features do not apply to the average day women when in fact the average Canadian woman is only 5’4” and weighs about one hundred seventy pounds (Linken, 2009, para.3). These ideas are pressured upon women of all ages through every source of media. Television, bill boards, newspaper, radio, magazines etc. are all guilty of applying such pressures to females.
Media is also guilty of creating a “cult of thinness” known as cutting girls down to size, infantilizing so grown women appear as children and objectifying women by turning them into objects, cutting out body parts and attaching them to objects in ads. It’s important to understand that the ideal body image that is presented by the popular media is not healthy or realistic. Should a female actually achieve this body image or weight, she would be classified as underweight. Risks associated with being underweight include anemia, nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis, cardiac problems, increased susceptibility to illness and infection and poor wound healing (Linken, 2009, para.6). Furthermore, the media’s effect on the self-esteem of young girls has resulted in deadly damaging conditions such as eating disorders (binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa), mental depression and physical depression (Von Schlegel, 2012, para.2). Most women

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