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Eda 551


Submitted By bigman81
Words 2205
Pages 9
Resource 1: EDA 551 Supervision and Instructional Leadership

Benchmark Assessment and Rubric

Targeted Essential Learning
Effective leaders will need an understanding of the pervasive nature of supervision and instructional leadership. Successful administrators need interpersonal skills to address the challenges of the educational community. (ISLLC 2008: 2; ELCC 2, 3).

Assessment Tool Selected
Response Letter with Rationale
Plan of Action

Specific Performance/Task(s) • Develop and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations. (ISLLC 2008: 2A; ELCC 2.2, 3.2) • Explain a principal’s responsibility in instructional supervision. (ISLLC 2008: 2D; ELCC 2.4, 3.1) • Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff. (ISLLC 2008: 2F; ELCC 2.4)

Relevancy of Task to Principal Candidate
Effective leaders are often faced with situational crises that involve the need for immediate teacher supervision and evaluation. They will be asked to assess the situation, identify the appropriate path to follow, and recommend possible solutions to the crisis.

Assessment: Student Prompts/Teacher Directions
1) Individual: A Sticky Affair: Evaluating Teachers (Benchmark Assessment)
a) General Practicum Information:
i) Review the EDA Program Handbook in its entirety in Module 1. ii) Identify a principal in an area Title I school who is willing to work as your mentor as you move through this class. Contact this principal, identify yourself as a GCU student, and request an opportunity to shadow the principal and observe, participate, or lead in the day-to-day undertakings and responsibilities of the principal. iii) The 15-hour practicum/field experience in this course is framed by Action Inquiry, a process used by school leaders to identify and solve problems.** An Action Inquiry template is available in Course Resources and in the EDA Program Handbook. It should be completed and submitted to the instructor in Module 7. iv) Students should complete the Practicum Placement and Observation/Activity Log forms found in the EDA Program Handbook. Complete the forms with the names of the schools and grade levels where the practicum/observations took place and document the hours spent in the school. Submit the forms along with your Action Inquiry assignment to the course instructor by the end of Module 7.
v) Discuss the Benchmark Assessment with the principal mentor; students may ask for feedback, guidance, and suggestions on this assignment. The practicum/field experience serves to inform the Benchmark Assessment.
a) Benchmark Assessment:
i) Resource 2: Letter from a Parent, located in the Course Resources folder, provides background information for this assignment, including a scenario and the letter to the superintendent containing allegations of possible instructional misconduct on the part of Ms. Paulson, a technology teacher. ii) Responding to the Parent’s Letter
1) Write a formal response letter including a return address, date of letter, complete name of recipient, salutation, body of the letter, and a closing. This is standard business letter format.
2) Follow the letter with a rationale for and insight into why you chose to say what you said in the response letter to Mrs. Robertson. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. iii) Developing a Plan of Action
1) Assume the principal’s role and develop a plan of action for an investigation into the allegations of possible misconduct on the part of Ms. Paulson. Your plan of action should be a minimum of 750 words.
2) Consider the following in the plan’s development:
a) Identify what actions, if any, you would take immediately.
b) Identify which principles and issues, relating to teacher supervision and evaluation, are potentially involved in the allegation.
c) Identify which board policies and state laws apply to the issues underlying the allegations.
d) Determine whether a formal investigation is warranted or not. Explain your rationale.
e) Identify the steps and a proposed timeline that you would use to investigate the allegations.
f) Describe the investigative plan. explaining how you will:
i) Choose the students and staff to interview. Why these people? ii) Conduct these interviews.
g) Described how you will maintain confidentiality of the interviews and the allegations.
h) Describe how you will communicate the issue and the details of the investigation to the media and the community, if necessary.
3) APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. iv) Addressing the Situation
1) Using the information in Resource 2 and your plan of action, write an essay of 1,250-1,500 words in which you describe whether this issue is one of teacher evaluation of adequacy in the classroom or one of negligence. Defend either choice. Determine the consequences for Ms. Paulson and rationalize them. Assess any failure on the principal’s part in providing adequate instructional supervision. Identify any professional development that needs to occur before and whether or not Ms. Paulson returns to the classroom. Describe Ms. Paulson’s rights with regards to the allegations and how you will preserve those rights during your investigation. Explain how you might reestablish trust with the student and parent.
2) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
v) Submit all three parts of the assignment as one deliverable to the instructor by the end of Module 8. This should include your response letter with rationale, your plan of action, and your essay. vi) Additionally, submit the assignment in TaskStream. Attach a copy of the Action Inquiry assignment for storage purposes only. Directions for submitting to TaskStream can be found on the College of Education’s page in the Student Success Center.

Scoring Tool/Guide (Rubric)

A Sticky Affair: Evaluating Teachers

|Criteria |1: Unsatisfactory |2: Less than Satisfactory |3: Satisfactory |4: Good |5: Excellent |
|Addressing ELCC Standards (15%) |
| |Intern fails to promote a positive|Intern demonstrates limited |Intern demonstrates the ability to|Intern demonstrates a superior |Intern demonstrates an outstanding|
|Promote Positive School |school culture. (2.1.a) |ability to promote a positive |promote a positive school culture |ability to promote a positive |ability to promote a positive |
|Culture | |school culture. (2.1.a) |through the use of multiple |school culture through the use of |school culture through the use of |
| | |. |methods of assessment and |multiple methods of assessment and|multiple methods of assessment, |
|ELCC 2.1 | | |evaluation. (2.1.a) |evaluation (2.1.a). There is also |on-going evaluation and the |
| | | | |evidence of context-appropriate |implementation of |
| | | | |strategies that capitalize on the |context-appropriate strategies |
| | | | |diversity of the school community.|that capitalize on the diversity |
| | | | |(2.1.a) |of the school community. (2.1.a) |
|Apply Best |Intern fails to demonstrate the |Intern demonstrates limited |Intern demonstrates the ability to|Intern demonstrates superior |Intern demonstrates outstanding |
|Practice to |ability to assist school personnel|ability to assist school personnel|assist school personnel in |ability to assist school personnel|ability to assist school personnel|
|Student |in understanding and applying best|in understanding and applying best|understanding and applying best |in understanding and applying best|in understanding and applying best|
|Learning |practices for student learning. |practices for student learning. |practices for student learning |practices for student learning |practices for student learning |
| |(2.3.a) |(2.3.a) |(2.3.a) There is some evidence |(2.3.a) through the use of human |(2.3.a) through the use of human |
|ELCC 2.3 | | |that the Intern understands how to|development theory and proven |development theory and proven |
| | | |use appropriate research |learning and motivational |learning and motivational |
| | | |strategies to promote an |theories. (2.3.b) There is some |theories. (2.3.b) There is clear |
| | | |environment for improved student |evidence that the Intern |and measurable evidence that the |
| | | |achievement. (2.3.c) |understands how to use appropriate|Intern understands how to use |
| | | | |research strategies to promote an |appropriate research strategies to|
| | | | |environment for improved student |promote an environment for |
| | | | |achievement. (2.3.c) |improved student achievement. |
| | | | | |(2.3.c) |
|Design |Intern fails to demonstrate an |Intern demonstrates a limited |Intern demonstrates an adequate |Intern demonstrates a superior |Intern demonstrates an outstanding|
|Comprehensive |ability to implement a |ability to implement a |ability to implement a |ability to implement a |ability to implement a |
|Professional |professional development programs.|professional development plan |professional development program |well-planned professional |well-planned professional |
|Growth | |(2.4.b) but lacks adult learning |that is context-appropriate based |development program that is |development program that is |
|Plans | |strategies. (2.4.b) |on reflective practice (2.4.a) and|context appropriate, based on |context appropriate, based on |
| | | |includes adult learning strategies|reflective practice, current |reflective practice, current |
|ELCC 2.4 | | |to form professional growth plans |research on student learning and |research on student learning and |
| | | |(2.4.b) that reflect a commitment |is consistent with the school |is consistent with the school |
| | | |to life-long learning. (2.4.c) |vision and goals (2.4.a) while |vision and goals (2.4.a) while |
| | | | |utilizing adult learning |utilizing adult learning |
| | | | |strategies (2.4.b) that reflect |strategies (2.4.b) that reflect |
| | | | |and promote life-long learning. |and promote life-long learning. |
| | | | |(2.4.c) |(2.4.c) |
|A Sticky Affair (75%) |
|Parent’s Letter with Rationale|Fails to complete a response to |Letter is created but is |Ideas are comprehensive, coherent,|Completes a letter that is |Position includes sophisticated, |
| |the parent’s letter with |incomplete or is irrelevant to the|and include a purposeful |exceptionally clear; rationale is |integrative thought and is |
| |rationale. |situation; does not include a |rationale. |thorough and supported with |developed intuitively throughout. |
| | |rationale. | |extensive detail. | |
|Plan of Action |Fails to develop a plan of action.|Plan is created but is illogical; |Develops an organized plan of |Action plan is highly justified; |Information is clearly defined, |
| | |does not include a goal that is |action with an attainable goal, is|sequence of presentation reflects |related, and well integrated to |
| | |measurable and attainable. |descriptive, includes details and |clear relationship or organization|meet and exceed assignment or |
| | | |supported explanations. |of ideas. |personal interests. |
|Supervision Issue |Fails to address the components of|Components of the issue are |Components of the issue are |Aspects of the issue are |Analyzes underlying implications |
| |the issue. |minimally addressed and limited in|addressed in a substantive manner.|investigated extensively and |of the issue and expands its scope|
| | |focus. | |supported by research. |and context. |
|Critical Thinking |Does not attempt or fails to |Summarizes issue; some aspects may|Clearly identifies and analyzes |Reflective, draws support from own|Includes perspectives from a wide |
| |address the issue accurately. |be incorrect; key details missing |the issue; communicates |experience and qualifies own |variety of sources; extends |
| | |and incomplete. |effectively with a clear |assertions with balance. |conclusions and personal |
| | | |relationship among ideas. | |assertions. |
|Organization 10% |
| | | | | | |
|Mechanics of Writing (includes|Surface errors are pervasive |Frequent and repetitive mechanical|Some mechanical errors or typos |Prose is largely free of |Writer is clearly in control of |
|spelling, punctuation, |enough that they impede |errors distract the reader. |are present, but are not overly |mechanical errors, although a few |standard, written American |
|grammar) |communication of meaning. | |distracting to the reader. |may be present. |English. |
| | | | | | |
|Language Use and Audience |Inappropriate word choice and/or |Inconsistencies in language choice|Sentence structure is correct and |The writer is clearly aware of |The writer uses a variety of |
|Awareness (includes sentence |sentence construction, lack of |sentence structure, and/or word |occasionally varies. Language is |audience; uses a variety of |sentence constructions, figures of|
|construction, word choice, |variety in language use. Writer |choice are present. The writer |appropriate to the targeted |sentence structures and |speech, and word choice in unique |
|etc) |appears to be unaware of audience.|exhibits some lack of control in |audience for the most part. |appropriate vocabulary for the |and creative ways that are |
| | |using figures of speech | |target audience; uses figures of |appropriate to purpose, |
| | |appropriately. | |speech to communicate clearly. |discipline, and scope. |
| | | | | | |
|Essay Structure, Paragraph |Paragraphs and transitions |Some paragraphs and transitions |Paragraphs are generally |A logical progression of ideas |There is a sophisticated |
|Development, and Transitions |consistently lack unity and |may lack logical progression of |competent, but ideas may show some|between paragraphs is apparent. |construction of the essay. Ideas |
| |coherence. No apparent connections|ideas, unity, coherence, and/or |inconsistency in organization |Paragraphs exhibit a unity, |universally progress and relate to|
| |between paragraphs. Transitions |cohesiveness. Some degree of |and/or in their relationships to |coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic|each other. The writer has been |
| |are inappropriate to purpose and |organization is evident. |each other. |sentences and concluding remarks |careful to use paragraph and |
| |scope. Organization is disjointed.| | |are used as appropriate to |transition construction to guide |
| | | | |purpose, discipline, and scope. |the reader. |
|APA Format and Style |APA format and style are not |Title page is present, though |All key elements of an APA title |Elements are theoretically |A broad understanding of APA |
|Requirements |evident. |missing APA elements; in-text |page are present; an abstract is |supported with accurate citations |format and style is evident in the|
| | |citations, where necessary, are |present and formatted correctly; |and references. |use of level headings and lists, |
| | |used though formatted inaccurately|in-text citations and a References| |for example. |
| | |and not referenced. |section are present with few | | |
| | | |format errors. Mechanics of | | |
| | | |writing are reflective of APA | | |
| | | |style. | | |

** Practicum/Field Experience

© 2010. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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The Six Sigma Handbook

...The Six Sigma Handbook Revised and Expanded A Complete Guide for Green Belts, Black Belts, and Managers at All Levels THOMAS PYZDEK McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-HIll Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-141596-3 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-141015-5. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at or (212) 904-4069. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all...

Words: 236475 - Pages: 946

Premium Essay

Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water Solutions for Improving

...NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water Micro & NaNo TechNologies series editor: Jeremy ramsden Professor of Nanotechnology Microsystems and Nanotechnology Centre, Department of Materials Cranfield University, United Kingdom the aim of this book series is to disseminate the latest developments in small scale technologies with a particular emphasis on accessible and practical content. these books will appeal to engineers from industry, academia and government sectors. for more information about the book series and new book proposals please contact the publisher, Dr. Nigel hollingworth at NaNotechNology applicatioNs for cleaN Water edited by Nora savage Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and (in alphabetical order) Mamadou Diallo Materials and process simulation center, Division of chemistry and chemical engineering, california institute of technology Jeremiah Duncan Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison anita street Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign richard sustich N o r w i c h , N Y, U S A copyright © 2009 by William andrew inc. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying...

Words: 90139 - Pages: 361