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Educator as Researcher Assignment 2


Submitted By princekofiodame
Words 2313
Pages 10









INTRODUCTION……………………….3 BODY……………………………………….3 CONCLUSION…………………………..9








This assignment looks at the local and the national problems accounting for poor matriculation results and low educational standards. In terms of both the local and the national problems, the assignment begins with a research problem statement and its associated aims followed by motivational statements. This is followed by how the two research problems can be solved using the steps in problem solving. It ends with a conclusion. 2.0 STATEMENT OF THE LOCAL PROBLEM

The aim of every High School in the Republic of South Africa is to ensure excellence performance in the matriculation results of its learners. High performance in this area reflects efficient and effective work done which culminates in the high standard of performance achieved. In spite of this stated aim, many High Schools continue to consistently register poor matriculation results over the last decade. Ogunbanjo (2001:14) states that in the past two decades, South Africa has witnessed continuous failure and poor performance among matriculates and that comparative result from 1980 to 1990 show a consistent decline in the pass rates and a rise in the failure rates. This situation is currently being faced by many schools in the Northern Cape. According to the minister of basic education Angie Mostshekga on the 2013 Matric Results, every province in South Africa increased its matric pass in 2013 except the Northern

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