Premium Essay



Submitted By gnarlynicks
Words 1065
Pages 5
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Emmett Loius Till was born July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois. He left his hometown to come over here to Money, Mississippi. Emmett was a classic prankster, so his friends dared him to “wolf-whistle” at Miss Bryant. This is the minor event that lead to the incident that happened that night August 28th after midnight. Those men, Roy Bryant and JW Milan banged consistently on the door of Till’s uncles home and bombarded into their house, grabbing Emmett and kidnapping him away to a place only they knew. ABDUCTION, is what it is. They drove far out into the plantations in Sun Flower county, only to beat him repeatedly into an unrecognizable condition whilst having seventy fie pounds of cotton gin tied around his neck held together by pieces of barbed wire. After being severely beaten where he was crying out for help only to be faced with the reality that nobody was going to hear him. They did not want to heard Till’s cries anymore so right then and there they ended it. They ended his life with a gun shot, ending him from his suffering and ending his life. These men should be convicted of murder! They need to be found guilty on accounts of abduction, battery and murder! These men are a danger to our society, if we let them free, we are putting our country and our people in danger. Men like these need to be secluded from society.

How are we going to allow these men walk away free and let them enter society? These men ABDUCTED a young joke over a petty joke that was not meant to be took to such extent. This “joke” could have been handled in a much different matter and they did not have to resort to such extents as to kidnapping the boy from his home after bombarding them to get into the house. They took this situation to a whole other level, we should not allow men who kidnap to be in our society. For God sakes, with men like these who

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