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Eng Science Application


Submitted By kirn
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Role of Engineering Science | Marc Ramroop
ID No : 58391 | | Sharon Mohammed | | | 10/3/2012 | |

Engineering is the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences such as physics or chemistry, as well as the construction of engines, bridges, mines, ships and chemical plants. John Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed civil engineer ,and is often regarded as the father of civil engineering. He was English and helped establish the design for bridges, canals, harbours and lighthouses. Smeaton designed the third Eddystone lighthouse (1775-59) where he pioneered the use of ‘hydraulic lime’ (a form of mortar which will set under water) He is important in the history, rediscovery of, and development of modern cement, because he identified the compositional requirements needed to obtain ‘hydraulicity’ in lime. The role and application of engineering science is important based on inventing and creating new ideas. It is from these roles in engineering science , we develop and enhance answers to our problems. we do this such that experiments are carried out and prove whether or not our predictions were made accurately or inaccurately. Engineering science has a huge role in the history of bridges. Engineering Science has matured bridges into being one of the best creations man has designed. Engineering Science allows engineers to make bridges towards their intention and determine variables which can produce better bridges. The role engineering science has is vital in any form of engineering The first bridges were from nature and can be as simple as a tree falling in a stream or river. The values needed in a good bridge such as the weight a bridge can hold or the length needed can be calculated with engineering science. Bridges have kept on growing in terms of how much they are needed, over a period of time there are many types of bridges now such as beam, truss, cantilever, arch and much more.
There are now certain types of bridges specified depending on the area located. Bridges in the modern world can withstand disasters, high or low temperatures, corrosion. Engineering Science has taken bridges to a new extent and will continue to do so in the future. Engineering science has improved engineering and how precise engineers can be with the advancements in technology and new machinery. The future holds great improvement in technology and engineering science will play an immense role. Fifty years anything can happen, the society we live in heavily relies on technology. Bridges might not be needed anymore because people may start using jet packs, the future can change extremely or not change at all. I, personally think in fifty years time technology will be very advanced and there will be no nature to look at. The future of engineering is bright, work is being done all over the world and we can always enhance the work of the engineers before us. There are endless possibilities but the future holds positive thoughts.

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