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Essay On Iron Triangle

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Iron Triangle and Racial Profiling What if I could show you a way to end the injustice of racial profiling by simply putting to use a system already created? That’s right, you don’t have to work to get the money and change social opinion in order to get laws implemented to make a change. The change maker is already established, we just have to use it: The Iron Triangle. The Iron Triangle is the correspondence of interest groups, the bureaucracy, and congress that works to create laws and regulations for the best interest of each part (Albert Blog, 2016, para 3). Using the Iron triangle, could lead to laws and regulations that help to end racial profiling. A sad example of racial profiling happened at the Detroit airport on September 9, 2011. This injustice occurred to a half Jewish and Arabic woman named Shoshana Hebshi. Hebshi and two men of Indian decent were forcibly removed from an airplane due to concerns from passengers and flight attendants about the men using the rest room (Warikoo, 2013). This is a good example of racial profiling because these people were treated as criminals simply due to the fact that they looked like the type of person that who had committed the 9/11 crimes. Even …show more content…
1). An interest group is an important part of the iron triangle due to them providing money and information to the other two legs of the triangle (Albert Blog, 2016). This means that these interest groups hold an incredible amount of power that they can use to help control the opinions of law makers and bureaucracy. Therefore, appealing to an interest group and acquiring their help and support can lead to laws being created and upheld through regulations for many issues including that of racial profiling. This then means that the best ways for a political change to be made is through the use of an interest

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