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Food Justice


Submitted By ta6shea
Words 467
Pages 2
Gadlin Tashea
Prof erwight english 205
December 15th, 2014
Food Justice For the past couple of years people have been raving about eating organic foods because they are "better for us". "The basic definition of orgainic is food grown without the asistance of man-made chemicals." People started to argue that the word organic was being misued, hens causing the department of agricultrue to come up with rules of what they would consider organinc to be. So if organic isnt really organic then why call it organic? When we go grocery shopping we tend to want to get food that is cheap even if it is completely unhealthy, but people are now being told to stop being cheap and buy healtier food. Healthier food to people seemingly means organic foods, organic foods are free from pestisides and all other harmful chemicals. But it turns out that orgainic are not actually healthier than non-organic products. "A resent study showed that organic foods have fewer pesticides than conventionally grown vittles, but they might not be more nutritious." We as consumers are conventually being lied to by companies implying that they are selling us organic foods. The organic food labels are lying to us in more ways than one. Its said that conventional and genetically modified seeds are known to occasionally mix with organic supplies. But, how is this even possible why not just handle both products in different facilities. Organic foods are essestially being sold as "locally grown" or from a "small family farm", when in fact that is not true at all. Some large compaines like to import organic ingredients as cheaply as possible, often from other countries. One of the main reasons why people like to buy organic foods is because they think they are supporting local farms. Just because something is labeled as orgainc doesnt actually mean that its organic. "The perception that organic is

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