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Geoffrey Chaucer Research Paper

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The medieval and middle literature periods included writings in old english, and Anglo-Norman through middle English, the increasing length of poetry and prose, with strong religious influences during times of change.

The Medieval time period is between the fifth and fifteenth century. At the start of this era was the falling of the great Roman Empire and it continued into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes took over. The classic Beowulf was written during the rising of the Germanic tribes and is still read by many today. Following the Germans was the Vikings. Then finally in 1066, the Norman Conquest happened. The Duke of Normandy invaded Britain and took the Anglo-Saxons’ land …show more content…
This time included several authors who are influential to literature as a whole. One of these was the poet, Geoffrey Chaucer. He wrote the famous 24 story novel, Canterbury Tales. Chaucer’s novel became so popular that it was the most read book of its time. It is said that his writing relates to “courtly” English. Throughout this era, writing took and allegorical turn. An allegory is a literary device used to reveal hidden meanings through symbolism, events, or imagery. Authors’ writings had several layers of meaning. This was a big step in literature. Another influential author was John Gower who was a friend of Chaucer’s. The “Divine Comedy” written by Dante, an Italian author, was also an important work of that time. William Langland wrote the poem "Piers Plowman," it was an allegory with several religious themes. Langland's poem became very popular among laymen because the language of the poem was very informal and simple. Another great writer of …show more content…
A popular tale we all know is King Author and the Knights of the round table. But is it only a story? Historians have been uncertain whether or not King Arthur really existed or if he is just a character in and old folklore. The story goes that King Arthur was born in hard times for his kingdom. The family magician, Merlin, suggested the baby be raised in a safe place, hidden so no on knew of his identity. Not too long after Arthur was born, his father died and just as Merlin fear, there was great trouble over who would because King. To provide an answer to the confliction, Merlin crafted a sword and drove it deep into a stone. On the sword is golden letter were these words: "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the rightwise born king of all England." All The contenders for the throne took their turn at pulling the sword from the stone but none had succeeded. Arthur one day was searching for a sword for someone to you in a jousting tournament. He saw the sword in the stone and did not know the significance of it. He pulled the sword out with ease and quickly ran of to give it to the man who needed a sword. All the people were amazed and could not believe that a boy like Arthur could pull out the sword. He was now the rightful King. As he grew in his Kingship, he and his Knights stood around the round table to discuss their battle plans for the Saxon

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